Professional Lighting Services

Top Professional Lighting For All Events

For decades, lighting has been an important part of events. Many times, the success of an event depends on whether there is enough balanced lighting or not. Hence, it is no surprise why Lighting makes it to the priority list of every event planner.

If you need professional Lighting for events in Broward County and around, you should check out the professional lighting services we offer for all events. Our professional lighting services include: LED Uplight, lighting Design, static’s lights, moving lights (heads), dimmers, LED par and strips, Control light (GrandMA – whole Hog), laser RGB system, 1200-2500 HMI follow spots, decor lighting, backdrops, glow columns.

Before we dive into the types of professional lighting, let’s briefly focus on the main purposes of professional Lighting in events.



Who doesn’t know that lighting is for illumination? In this case, however, professional lighting isn’t just putting on the lights for your event to proceed. It entails illuminating what you want the audience to see at a particular point. This means while some things are shown, some can be hidden. It’s all about lighting and the angles.

When you can highlight the things well enough to catch the audience’s attention, you grab their FOCUS.


Want to direct the attention of the audience without exertion? You need lighting.

In any event, the ability to control lighting adequately can help direct focus to content, be it a performance, some part of the audience, the exit, or anything else you want to focus on.

Sometimes it gets hard to maintain the audience’s attention throughout a long event. But with lighting, you can fix that. You just need lighting professionals like the ones we have in LC Solutions Inc. So if you ever need Palm Beach County professional lighting for all events, you can always contact us.



When you know the kind of mood you’d like your event to have, reach out to LC Solutions Inc, and we’ll give you professional help. Our lighting professionals can help you create the exact atmosphere you want. Natural lighting delivers just fine, but with technology, you can quickly step things up. At LC Solutions Inc, we bring you the technology and give your event an amazing atmosphere.

When you can highlight the things well enough to catch the audience’s attention, you grab their FOCUS.

Types Of Professional Lighting For Events

The types are often categorized into three, namely;
Functional or Decorative Lighting, Static or Moving Lights, and Indoor or Outdoor Lighting. Let’s take a look at these further.

Functional or Decorative Lighting

Functional event lighting allows the audience to see whatever is being showcased. Be it products, performances, a spotlight e.t.c, Lighting like spotlights, backlighting, washes, stage lighting, and dimmable lights are classified under functional Lighting. LED walls can also be included as it gives a high brightness that lightens up a stage.

As for Decorative lights, they are used mainly for creating a particular atmosphere.

Decorative lights are like enhancements for event decorations and other building features. All these we have at LC Solutions Inc. You can always trust us with your Functional or Decorative Lighting.

Static or Moving Lights

The ability of lights to move can also be used to classify them, as this defines how they are used at specific events. As the name suggests, static lights are fixtures that aren’t movable. Some static lights are: fixed spotlights, Gobos, backlighting, fixed washes uplights, LED lights, PAR lights, e.t.c.

Most moving lights today are fixed to internal Gobo for special effects. Laser beams are also under this category as much as kinetic lights are. Moving lights are controlled by control systems, which enable you to be artistic with your lighting design as you make your event an unforgettable experience for your audience. LC Solutions Inc can offer you the best for your luxury event production in Miami Dade county and around. We’d be happy to light up your event.

Indoor or Outdoor Lighting

The difference between indoor and outdoor Lighting is beyond the type of lights to be used. The difference is more of the lights that can be used depending on the weather conditions and environments, as most lights are versatile enough to work well for indoor and outdoor events.

You have a long list of lights to choose from for indoor lighting. Whatever time the event is set to happen, you can choose to use different types of lights that work for you– something that delivers the mood you desire.

For outdoor lighting, however, you would have to consider two factors. The weather conditions and the time of the event. These two factors determine what Lighting to go for.

For instance, if an event is set for daytime, then some lights will not be effective because of natural lighting. At the same time, an event set for the night will allow you to employ a variety of lights.

We Provide The Best lighting Services

Lighting is the backbone of any event. For a successful event, you no doubt want to go for something that fits the event’s particulars. With professional Lighting, you can hold your audience’s attention for a long time. You might want to call on a professional AV company. We will be waiting for your call. At LC Solutions Inc, we prioritize helping you achieve a successful event. Call us today to enjoy the professional Lighting for all events LC Solutions Inc provides.